Bird Tribe 
A Tribute To 
Ancient Healing & Music Ceremonies


Bird Tribe came together dedicated to make music in honor of the Divine Spirit. Music designed to help tap into our roots and deeper aspect of our lineage. To reflect who we are and how we can create harmony and balance in ourselvesand on earth for all beings.

“As Above So Below, As Within So Without”

This Album is dedicated to the indigenous people on this planet who have held the sacred knowledge of healing and ceremonies. Music and ceremony are universal so they can be powerful healing allies that can serve as tools thru this time of rediscovery. We are living and fulfilling the Hopi Prophecy, The Eagle and Condor Prophecy, Mayan Prophecy, The Return of the Feathered Serpent, and Great Awakening of the planet. We need to unify in truth and light. 

Debut Album w/Extras!
Bird Tribe Ceremony
on Bandcamp>>>

Out Now on all the Major Streaming Platforms

Get a Copy on Vinyl or CD Here
Purchase On Apple Music Here

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This album and music serves as a staple for bringing healing and ceremonies back to this reality like our ancestors once did and let it also be a voice for the unhealed to have strength in their purpose to move forward. Let it allow us to remember where we come from and what we can do to help restore balance. The message is simple, the Truth is the Purifier and will restore all so that the meek and humble can once again live in peace and harmony among the beings in this creation in peace. Thank you Great Spirit. Thank you for all those who dedicate their lives to help bringing this message back. Thank you all that helped support and make this album manifest for all of creation.We love you all. Let the Great Spirit guide us! 🙏